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The ongoing narrative of how a Christian man can understand the times they live in. And how to navigate their life to wholly serve God.

As a man how do you handle integrity and relating to women? In today's news headlines, we hear of many men who have been accused of sexual harassment and indirect sexual advancement.

Do we legitimately have a real epidemic among men? Where do Christian men play a role in this moral dilemma?

Well like all men, a Christian man is not immune to such situations and should take the necessary steps in guarding his heart. First of all our culture is riddled with sex, and by that, I mean that sexual temptation is prevalent today. “Flee from youthful passions and pursue righteousness” 2 Timothy 2:22.

You have heard it was said, “ Do not commit adultery.” But I tell you, everyone who looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5:27-28

So here we see the bible is very firm about how men falling into sexual sins. Any form of flirting, and or sexual suggestions is wrong and it will exhibit profound disrespect to a woman and God.

A few months ago I was standing outside our local church, it was midweek and our next service was not until the weekend. We had a young woman in our community who is mentally unstable. She walked the streets dressed with much of her body knowingly exposed. Without ample warning, she showed up and began to speak with me. Although not making any sense of her words, she began to ask me questions that I had no answer for.

I turned away and intentionally ignore her while walking into the church, she immediately followed me inside. With no one around I found myself in a vulnerable position. Not that I had any attraction to her, but that a woman had entered my private space and I undoubtedly had to move quickly to defuse the situation.

I promptly moved around her and went back outside knowing that she would naturally follow, then I offered her food assistance knowing that she was hungry, which she accepted. As I went inside I secured the church door, making sure she was unable to enter the building. I also made certain the video cameras in the church were recording our meeting. I returned with a small bag of easy-to-eat food packets. Upon her receiving the food, which I handed to her outside in front of the video cameras, she then left.

It has always been Satan's specific plan to use something that you find visually appealing or in need of to lure you into sin. We as men have a responsibility to our wives, children, and those who are single, to ourselves. Regardless of how we look at sex or the temptation to lust, we must understand that our reputation as a Godly man will depend on it. Many leading men who have had wonderful careers have seen their character tarnished because they did not overcome lust.

Here are three areas that Christian men can excel when relating to a woman in most situations.

1. She is lawfully not yours's. A woman has the fundamental right to place a social boundary around her. We must learn to respect that, especially those who are married.

2. If you are married, engaged, or in a relationship. Respect and cherish that and you will gain respect the respect of any woman.

3. Know your space, and limitations, and how to properly operate in it. Jesus invariably had women around him, but he knew how to carefully work amongst them. He never attempted to take a relationship he had with them any further than leading them to God.

Although I had no attraction towards this woman, also known as Crazy Mary. I had to initiate proper guidelines, in order that I could exercise righteousness. One specific thing we must not neglect is our Father in Heaven is watching.

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